
We are a 100% Volunteer organization - no one takes a salary! Unlike for Profit versions of these camps, we're solely in it to set the right foundation for the future of our world.

Each of our classes establish a balance between healthy lifestyle foundations and logical thinking patterns - Sports and Health meets STEAM. Our camps and programs seek to connect engineering and technological projects to real world activities. You don't have to choose between science / computer camp and sports / adventure camp. Let your child experience both in an interconnected, practically applicable experience.

Watch to Learn about 5kb!


It's common knowledge that there is a wide gap of expertise in major STEAM jobs for women, minorities, and low income backgrounds. We firmly believe that there is no short term fix to this. Instead our approach begins at the most fundamental stages with hands on knowledge development and continues throughout real world practical application of the concepts learned. To be successful, we need your help to raise funds so that any child, regardless of sex, race, or income level can have an equal chance at finding success in an innovative STEAM industry - code development, product innovation, engineering, etc.

We're here to help make a difference, and that ends with us getting you (or your children) into one of our live sessions. You won't experience learning like this anywhere else!

Big or small, our promise to you is that your donation will be used to help provide a foundation for a brighter future! Help us make the difference for so many inquisitive minds :-)!

credit card options

We want to create the best possible programs for learning out there. To do that, we need a small army of the best possible experts in code development, education, youth instruction, health & fitness and more...



Why you NEED to join 5kb!

Become a member by attending any for experiences that will connect science and technology to real life. Depending on which camp is chosen, your child will bring home not just knowledge, but the skills and passion they need to continue learning in future programs, or at home. All camps are aligned to the Next Generation Science Standardss (NGSS) in a unique and engaging style that you won't experience anywhere else!

Camps Overview

Engineering Adventure Camp

1 Day - Sponsored!

  • Deep Dive into
  • Engineering
  • with a Hands On spin



Sign up: May 5th

PIPER Computing

1 Day

  • Real World experience
  • Building teamwork
  • And code skills




Lets Go - LEGO!


  • Build machines with
  • LEGO engineering.
  • Code them to do more!



Coming Soon...

PIPER Computing


Build a computer from scratch with our step by step kits!

Computer Science

Connect the right circuits to make your computer function with the mouse and other buttons.

Technology - Logic / Mathematics

Innovate unique solutions to your complex world in PIPERCraft, a Minecraft based simulation!

Active Play

Put yourself into the game and navigate a series of activities specially designed to use what you learned. Can you rise up to the challenge?

SIGN UP NOW Camps Overview

Engineering Adventure Camp


Take an active approach to learning Engineering Basics. 


Apply basic Design Thinking fundamentals and Rapid Prototyping

Active Play

It's your turn to show what you've learned. Participate in the same basic concepts that helped you build, in a live play setting.

SIGN UP NOW Camps Overview


  • “Camp was AWESOME! I got to make a robot move! ... I liked when I got to pretend to be a robot too!”

    PARKER, 1st Grade
    ADVENTURE: Dash and Dot
  • “It was so much fun! I taught Dash how to play Soccer, And then we got to play too!”

    JENNIFER, Kindergarten
  • "I was sick of having to choose between sports camp and science camp for my kids. They need to experience both. This was hands on learning at it's best and I loved how they connected what the members are taught to ways they can apply to real life! I'm so excited to get my kids to attend the next session!”

    MARK, Parent, Systems Analyst
    ADVENTURE: Focus Group

Volunteer Opportunities



We want to establish a broad range of DIY instructionals for anyone who wants to try tech and engineering practices at home. To do this we need to build a team that publishes well designed and clear DIY posts on our 5kb Blog. This is where we can extend upon our Camps and reinforce a lifetime of healthy living and STEAM choices for all!

We are currently taking applications for
(1) a Manager of Publishing that can help document process and grow our team;
(2) a team of Content Writers to create DIYs and blog Posts;
(3) Graphic Designers to help make these posts visually exciting and crystal clear!



We are a completely volunteer run virtual organization that supports our Camps and fund raising. Because of that, we need your help to create the right structure and process to onboard fast, coordinate and find new volunteers, and ensure we have sound coordination with our teams. Help our organization expand to impact as many lives as we can!

We are currently taking applications for
(1) a Manager of HR that can help document process, guide the organization, and grow our team;
(2) a team of HR Recruiters to create fill our staffing needs with the best!



Are you a STEM / STEAM educator? Are you a person in a technology, health & wellness, or engineering industries? We need your help to continually create innovative, real world curriculum to keep members engaged and excited about STEAM topics. Translate your passion into experiences that will shape the lives of thousands!

We are currently taking applications for
(1) a team of Subject Matter Experts to create engaging and purposeful sessions using our defined curriculum development / documentation process!



In order to achieve our vast vision, we will need to fund our experiences. Being a 100% Volunteer organization means that every dollar we get directly affects the participants in our camps. We need your help to ensure that we can fully fund our experiences so that we can reduce the cost and open the doors for everyone interested!

We are currently taking applications for
(1) Manager of Fundraisiong to coordinate different efforts and provide strategic direction!
(2) Grand Writers to help us apply for and attain govenrmental and corporate grants;
(3) Corporate Programs Manager to define, coordinate, and facilitate large scale corporate partnerships
